Tuesday, October 16, 2012

9 Ways to Destroy Your Agency's Brand

Many insurance agencies don't have an employee dedicated to their agency's marketing. Those employees who do their agency's marketing often have other duties and responsibilities that take time and focus away from the agency's brand. And that's fine.

However, there are things that could hurt or destroy your brand if you're not careful. Here are 9 marketing moves to avoid.

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Monday, October 15, 2012

Selling Value Insurance with Price-based Marketing

The holidays are approaching. The time for sales, door busters, and insane pricing is upon us. It reminds me of last year when I wanted a new TV. Holiday discounted prices finally caused me to act and get rid of my old TV.

I ventured down to my local electronics store and started checking out the deeply discounted TV mentioned in an ad. Right next to it was an even better TV for just a few dollars more. The salesperson helpfully explained to me why it was better than the cheaper TV: better picture, better sound and able to connect to the Internet. “Wrap it up,” I tell him. He continues to tell me that if I want that awesome picture I would need the gold plated HDMI cables. Fine; throw it in the cart. 

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Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Where to Look for Great Content Ideas for Your Blog

We talk a lot about blogging here on the ITC Marketing Blog. For good reason as it plays an important role in adding fresh content to your website, which search engines love, and promoting your agency and your knowledge as an insurance expert, which your clients appreciate.

Blogging can easily become a daunting task. Especially if you struggle with what to write about. There are several places to look for ideas on what to blog about. But the best place to look are your customers.

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Tuesday, October 2, 2012

16 Questions Your Insurance Website Must Answer

You only have three seconds to convince website visitors to stay on your website. If you don't make a good first impression, they will not hesitate to leave and never come back.

When consumers come to your
insurance website for the first time, they have questions. Questions you should answer. We look for subconscious clues on a new website to determine if that website is going to give us what we want. Prove your website is trustworthy and that it has the answers consumers seek, and they'll stick around longer.

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Thursday, September 27, 2012

Masters of Marketing: How to Create Effective Landing Pages

Our latest Masters of Marketing webinar talks about when and how to use landing pages. Click below to see the presentation.  If you would like to join us on the last Thursday of every month at 12:00 p.m. CST when we discuss marketing tips, you can register here.

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Monday, September 17, 2012

8 Reasons Why Social Media Isn't Working For You

Social media has been talked about a lot these past few years as the marketing strategy you must be using. If you're not seeing the results you would like, you're not alone.

Here are 8 reasons why social media may not be working for you.

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Monday, September 10, 2012

How to Build a Following for your Email and Social Media

A growing number of consumers prefer electronic communication over phone calls or face-to-face. Do you know what your customers prefer? If you are not communicating with them via the methods they prefer, you customers will at some point leave you for your competition who will email instead of call or tweet instead of email.

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Wednesday, September 5, 2012

How to Use Facebook Scheduled Posts

The benefit of using third-party social media tools like HootSuite is that you can schedule your posts ahead of time so you're not spending time every day updating Facebook.

Unfortunately, Facebook's algorithm for determining which updates to show in a user's newsfeed favors those updates that are posted manually on Facebook over those using third-party tools. Meaning your update has a better chance for being seen by more people when you use Facebook to post it instead of a tool like HootSuite.

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Monday, August 27, 2012

5 Tips to Turn Your Insurance Website Into a Favorite Online Destination

What makes your website great? If you don’t know, you have some work to do. Consumers have an incredible amount of choices for where to research and buy their insurance policies online. You need to give them a reason to visit you over all those other websites. Your website needs to be the place people love to go for insurance information.

But how do you do that? We’ve got five ways you can turn your website into a favorite insurance destination.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

7 Tips for Marketing an Insurance Agency Online on a Limited Budget

There are many reasons to focus on online marketing. For one, consumers are relying more and more on the Internet and use it to get the majority of information about products and services before they buy, including insurance. It’s easier to monitor your online marketing campaigns and determine their success.