Showing posts with label facebook page. Show all posts
Showing posts with label facebook page. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Follow Their Rules or You Might Lose Your Facebook Page

You created a Facebook page for your agency. Looks great. It would be a waste if it disappeared suddenly...

Sound intimidating? It should. If your page violates the Terms of Service, your agency's page could get kicked off Facebook. It would be absurd to lose all of your hard work and time you put into building a following and engaging with your audience.

Facebook means business when it comes to their Terms of Service. If your agency's page is removed for ignoring or or not understanding the policies for business use, the consequences are substantial and permanent. You will no longer be allowed to use that email address to create another page.

Now that the social media giant is public, it is quite possible that Facebook will be taking a closer look and checking for compliance. If you're not sure if your agency's page follows the guidelines, check it now before it's too late.

These are three of the most common Terms of Service violations that could cost your agency your Facebook page and your audience.

1. Profile vs. Page

Profiles are for individual people to use as their personal space. Pages are for businesses to create a Facebook presence for the company and/or individual products. What Facebook has to say about Pages: "By leveraging the real connections between friends on Facebook, a Page lets Fans become brand advocates. Posts by the Page will start to appear in News Feed, giving Pages a stronger voice to reach their Fans.” Basically, the activity from your agency page will appear in the news feeds of people who have liked your page just as if you were posting from your personal profile. But using your personal profile for business purposes violates the rules. There are more reasons why you want to create a page for your agency and not a profile:
  • A page can have an unlimited number of followers, while personal profiles are limited to 5,000 friends.
  • You can customize tabs and apps for special marketing campaigns.
  • Analytical tools are available to help you determine the effectiveness of your Facebook activities.
  • You can connect your page with your other social media profiles.
2. Timeline Cover Photos

With the roll out of Timeline to business pages, came the cover photo (that large photo at the top of your page right above your profile picture). But there are rules regarding what you cannot include in this image. Did you know you are not allowed to put contact information, URLs or any kind of marketing promotion in your cover photo? Also forbidden: calls to action and any effort to get people to like or share your page. (Our blog post about setting up Timeline included these rules.)

3. Promotions Based on Facebook Features

Contests and promotions that include sharing or liking are not allowed. It’s okay to build likes and shares by offering fantastic content. You can also have contests, drawings and other promotional games. They just can’t be based on actions that involve Facebook’s proprietary functions, such as Like and Share. Next to using a personal profile for your agency, this is possibly the easiest way to lose your agency's page.

Facebook can be a fun way to engage with your customers and build awareness for your agency online. But to avoid losing all that time and effort, check to see if your agency page complies with the Terms of Service.

And if you haven't already, Like our Facebook Page for Insurance Website Builder for the latest news from ITC and Insurance Website Builder, marketing tips and an occasional look behind the scenes here at ITC.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

What is the value of a Facebook "Like" and a Twitter "follow" to businesses?

Most, if not all, know about Facebook and Twitter, but many times you don’t know if you should start using them because you don’t really see the value that they could add to your business.  What is a tweet, a Facebook post, a Twitter "follow" or a Facebook "Like" worth?

Based on an extensive research, Imbue Marketing created an infographic that shows what tweets, likes, shares, and follows are worth.
The infographic shows really interesting information. A person is 47 percent more likely to do business with a brand that he or she follows. Also,  social media has increased the effectiveness of marketing for 63 percent of the companies. Additionally, Social media has increased customer satisfaction and has reduced marketing costs, as the graphic shows.

Do you need help with Twitter and Facebook? Our SEO team at Insurance Website Builder can help you optimize your insurance websites as well as your Facebook Page and Twitter account. Call us today at 1-800-383-3482 for more information.


Thursday, March 15, 2012

How to Set Up Your Business Facebook Page with the New Timeline

Facebook is the biggest social network today and it is about time you get started with a Facebook Page for your business. Previously, we showed you 5 Reasons why your business should have a Facebook Page and now we would like to go over the steps to set up a good Facebook Page with the new Timeline.  It may be really simple for the tech-savvy, but some others may have some trouble. 

1.       Get started by setting up your Facebook Page

If you already have a personal account, you can click on the “Create a Page” link at the bottom of your news feed or you could go directly to “Create a Facebook Page” if you don’t have a personal account. 

2.       Choose the type of Facebook Page

You can select a type of business or category and depending on your selection, you may also have to choose a subcategory. There are 6 main categories to select:

After you have selected the category, you will be required to name the Facebook Page and if you selected “Local business or place”, you need to add address, city, postal code and phone number. Agree to the Facebook Pages Terms and hit the Get Started button.

3.       Add a logo or picture

Upload/import from a website your logo or picture that represents your business or organization. This picture will show on different parts of Facebook, like in news feed and your Timeline when you post an update. If you don’t have a picture, don’t worry you can upload it in the future. Click the Save photo or Skip button.


4.       Tell  the world what your page is about

Provide a basic description of the page or your business. Add your website and related links (Blog, Twitter, Linkedin, Yelp, etc.). This step is very important for Search Engine Optimization (SEO). You can also modify or add this information in the future. Click the Save info button.


5.       Choose your unique Facebook web address (URL)

Choosing your unique web address will make your URL You can’t modify this information in the future, but can choose it in the future by going to the Username page.



Now your Facebook Page is almost ready, you just need to add the cover photo that is available with the new Timeline design, add applications and add other information that you skipped before (profile picture, about information, links, URL).  Go to manage and edit page to modify, add information or manage permissions. You can add business hours, and more information related to your business in the “Basic Information” on the left. You can select the option of letting anyone post on your Timeline or select if anyone can add photos/videos to your Timeline (Manage permissions menu).

6.       Set your cover photo

Select the “Add a Cover” menu on the right hand side and upload a photo. The cover photo dimensions are 851 x 315 pixels. Choose a photo that is representative to your brand. You can change it as often as you wish and don’t be afraid to be creative with it. Keep in mind that you need to adhere to Facebook’s policies regarding cover photos, which states that cover photos cannot include:
  • Price or purchase information, such as “30% off” or “Download it at our website”
  • Contact information such as website address, email, phone number, mailing address, or information that should go in the “about” section
  • References to Facebook actions or features, such as “Like” or “Share” or any other Facebook site feature
  • Calls to action, such as “Get it now” or “Tell your friends” 

 7.       Organize your views & Facebook apps

Timeline, the new design of Facebook features photos, likes, map and apps at the top of your page below your cover photo. Photos are automatically featured in the first spot, but page admins can rearrange the other to feature the most important one first. Some apps will require that the user clicks the dropdown arrow.

8.       Fill up your Facebook Timelime

Start by adding the date that your business was founded or opened. You can even add a location and pictures. 


9.       Invite friends

The admin panel at the top of your page (for you admins) will show you notifications, messages, likes, insights and tips. Select the “Invite friends” link and select your friends.

10.   Start posting updates and like us on Facebook

Now you can start sharing you website’s content and information that can be useful for your fans. Remember to Like us on our Facebook Page

Our SEO team at Insurance Website Builder can help you optimize your insurance websites as well as your Facebook Page. Call us today at 1-800-383-3482 for more information.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Timeline Is Coming To Your Agency's Facebook Page: What to Expect

Last fall Facebook introduced a big change to personal profiles... a new profile layout called Timeline. This morning Facebook officially announced that Timeline will now be available to brand pages. All brand pages will be automatically updated with Timeline on March 30, 2012.

What you can expect:
  • Though the layout of your page will change, Facebook will remain a channel of two-way communication.
  • Like Timeline for personal pages, you will now get to add a cover photo to your agency's Facebook page. This large photo at the top of your profile is a great opportunity for showcasing some creative designs and reinforcing your agency's brand.
  • New admin capabilities will include the ability to pin your most important content so it remains at the top of your profile for seven days.
  • You can also star different milestones in your agency's history - like opening a new location, adding a line of business, etc - so it appears twice the size of other items in your profile thereby drawing attention to those important periods of your history.
  • A simpler, easier-to-use admin panel that expands and hides on the same page you're editing. You will no longer have to go to a separate page to change the content.
What to do:
  • If you have a social media plan, review it and look for what works, what doesn't and what Timeline can help improve. If you don't have a social media plan, now is a great time to consider putting one together.
  • Start working on your cover photo. Since it is a large photo, there is a lot of space to feature something captivating and reinforce your brand. You can update your cover photo weekly so it's always fresh. The dimensions for cover photos are 851 pixels wide and 315 pixels tall.
  • Go through your agency history and star the milestones you want to highlight.
  • Update your information and look at who has access to your page. Do you need all of those admins? Get rid of anything that isn't necessary or is out-dated. 
If you have an insurance website from Insurance Website Builder, please note that Timeline will not affect our Facebook social media plugin, which puts a mini-version of your website on Facebook.

Changes to Facebook tend to cause a bit of a panic. Take a deep breath. This change is not going to happen overnight. You have until March 30.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Today is the Day

Most content is shared on Wednesday mornings.

This infographic from AddThis displays just how 1.2 billion users
have found a way to share 10 million ideas. Effectively.

The next idea someone shares should be yours.

Social Sharing Tips & Behaviors

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

5 Reasons Why Your Business Should Have a Facebook Page

Many people start using Facebook to connect with old friends, but business owners have wondered why they should create a Facebook Page and many times they don’t realize that Facebook gives them access to millions of people on a daily basis in one place.

Many researchers have shown how influential Facebook has become in our lives. Having a personal profile is great and it helps you to keep connected with different people, but a Facebook Page has also tremendous benefits. Below you will find 5 vital reasons why your business needs to be involved with Facebook: 

1. Online Visibility

With more than 150 million active users in the U.S. alone, having a Facebook Page provides you with a platform to engage with an increasingly social audience.  

2. Engagement

Facebook allows you to share news, comments, videos, and photos, but also allows you to create contest, surveys and more. These functionalities are visible to users in their newsfeed, right on their Facebook homepage. You can also engage with the users by answering questions and comments they have, or showing your appreciation for being a part of your Facebook Page. 

3. Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Facebook Pages have a great SEO benefit as they show up very high in search results. Facebook has a page rank of #2 according to Alexa and its profiles and pages are indexed really quickly for optimal search engine positioning.   

4. Drive Traffic to Your Website

Sharing you blogs, news, information and products on your Facebook page will help you increase visits as it is essentially an extension of your website. With many links back to your website, your Facebook Page becomes another route through which potential customers can find your website. 

5. Online Reputation & Branding

Facebook, similar to Twitter, can be used as a customer service platform. You can show publicly that you care about your audience or customers. You can provide solutions and show that your business is not behind in the digital world. 

Are you or your business taking advantage of Facebook? Our SEO team at Insurance Website Builder can help you optimize your insurance websites as well as your Facebook Page. Call us today at 1-800-383-3482 for more information.

Like us on Facebook! ITC Insurance Website Builder

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Tips on How to Deal With Unhappy Facebook Fans

Every business can receive a bad comment on Facebook, even the best of the best need to know how to handle this type of situation to keep the good reputation of the brand. Some customers will have a simple complaint and some can be really offensive, but we have 4 tips on how to deal with unhappy Facebook Fans:

1. Respond to the complaint

It is very important that you respond to the complaint no matter what. Not responding to what the upset fan posted on your wall may create more anger and will increase the chance of getting more complaints from this fan in the future. Additionally, although this complaint may be from only one fan, if other fans see that you don’t reply to complaints it may appears as if you don’t pay attention to customers and don’t offer any customer support, which in turn harms the reputation of your brand. Do not try to delete the negative comment. Not everybody is going to have a good review of your product or service and if customers see only positive comments, they may think that you are deleting the bad ones.

2. Try to be understanding

Dealing with an upset fan is not always easy, but try to put yourself in your customer’s shoes. Don’t try to find who is at fault, apologize and find a solution.

3. Contact the customer directly

Trying to contact the customer directly can be more effective than just a reply to the wall post. Apologize, try to find a solution and be personable. If you decide to make a solution publicly, some other customers could try to create a problem to just get the special treatment so beware of your response. Consider asking the customer to remove the wall post. If you don’t feel comfortable asking this, or the customer doesn’t want to remove it even though the issue was resolved, try to express happiness in the resolution and thank them for their business directly on the post.

4. Last option

If the fan doesn’t respond after you have tried to contact them and it is evident that they are trying to just start arguments on your community wall, as a last resort you can always ban the user. Other fans in your community, along with your staff do not deserve the abuse and they always expect respect.

All customers are important and solving their issues can create more loyal fans on your Facebook Page. Our SEO team at Insurance Website Builder can help you optimize your insurance websites as well as your Facebook Page. Call us today at 1-800-383-3482 for more information.