Showing posts with label content authoring. Show all posts
Showing posts with label content authoring. Show all posts

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Au Naturale...

search en·gine op·ti·mi·za·tion
"SEO: the process of improving the visibility of a website or a web page in search engines via the natural, un-paid, or organic search results"

Back to the Basics

SEO combines the methods of how search engines work, what people search for, the actual terms or keywords entered into search engines, and which search engines are preferred by target audiences.

Optimizing a website for SEO involves editing the content, promoting that site around the web, and removing any barriers possible so that search engines can index the site.

No Cheaters Allowed

Don't cheat yourself out of something rewarding to get something easy. SEO can be thought of similarly to a relationship. Your site should be accessible, have goals set for the future, always know the right things to say, know the likes and dislikes of search engines, never come off as fake, automated, or a copy-cat, and never ever bore them. Never.

The Truth of the Matter

If you would prefer to find love by going on reality television, getting engaged after 1 week, and becoming married after 1 month, then I can already guess how long that marriage will last...

But if you prefer the tried and true way of meeting someone at your local coffee shop, getting to know that person over a few dates, then embarking on a lifelong journey of happiness, you're already one step closer to understanding SEO!

Making it Make Sense

They say love is fleeting. And search engines can be just as tricky. So if you haven't figured it out by now, you have the power to choose that regrettable rush of a drive-thru wedding in Vegas or holding on to the lasting satisfaction of a relationship sustained through the ups and downs. This is similar to Paid SEO tactics and Natural SEO tactics. You can pay to feel that instant, however short-lived rush, or you can grow naturally. The results will speak for themselves.

In dating and in SEO.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

What Should I Put on my Homepage Content?

Many insurance agents ask me what kind of information should be added to their homepage. This is a pertinent question as a website's homepage is the most important page. It sets a tone for the type of agency you are, as well as providing relevant information, such as products and services offered. A good homepage provides just enough information to grab the attention of a prospect, without giving too much information which could be a turn off. Here are a few things to remember when composing your homepage content.

What is the Goal of your website?

Answering this question will help to narrow down what to add to your homepage content. Do you want to raise awareness about your agency? Do you want to increase your agency’s web visibility? Provide easy access to your agency’s products and services? Provide insurance information, tips and tricks? Whatever the answer is, customize your content, so you achieve those goals.

In no particular order, these should be available on the homepage of your website:

  • Types of products and services offered, including specialty or niche products
  • Agency’s unique selling point, how do you stand out from your competitors?
  • Easy access to quote forms
  • Agency values, perhaps a brief history
  • One or two testimonials
  • Other companies you work with
  • Geo-targets (cities, states) you service
On the whole, make sure that your homepage reflects your values as an insurance agent and puts your agency’s best foot forward. Incorporating all of the points above will result in naturally occurring keywords for SEO. Try not to write copy solely with SEO in my mind, which could have the effect of sounding contrived and spammy. Just have fun with it, and if it sounds interesting to you, then chances are, it'll sound interesting to a prospect too!

Insurance Website Builder provides content writing for insurance agents’ websites so give us call to create your perfect homepage, 1-800-383-3482.

Extreme Example from