Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Tips on How to Deal With Unhappy Facebook Fans

Every business can receive a bad comment on Facebook, even the best of the best need to know how to handle this type of situation to keep the good reputation of the brand. Some customers will have a simple complaint and some can be really offensive, but we have 4 tips on how to deal with unhappy Facebook Fans:

1. Respond to the complaint

It is very important that you respond to the complaint no matter what. Not responding to what the upset fan posted on your wall may create more anger and will increase the chance of getting more complaints from this fan in the future. Additionally, although this complaint may be from only one fan, if other fans see that you don’t reply to complaints it may appears as if you don’t pay attention to customers and don’t offer any customer support, which in turn harms the reputation of your brand. Do not try to delete the negative comment. Not everybody is going to have a good review of your product or service and if customers see only positive comments, they may think that you are deleting the bad ones.

2. Try to be understanding

Dealing with an upset fan is not always easy, but try to put yourself in your customer’s shoes. Don’t try to find who is at fault, apologize and find a solution.

3. Contact the customer directly

Trying to contact the customer directly can be more effective than just a reply to the wall post. Apologize, try to find a solution and be personable. If you decide to make a solution publicly, some other customers could try to create a problem to just get the special treatment so beware of your response. Consider asking the customer to remove the wall post. If you don’t feel comfortable asking this, or the customer doesn’t want to remove it even though the issue was resolved, try to express happiness in the resolution and thank them for their business directly on the post.

4. Last option

If the fan doesn’t respond after you have tried to contact them and it is evident that they are trying to just start arguments on your community wall, as a last resort you can always ban the user. Other fans in your community, along with your staff do not deserve the abuse and they always expect respect.

All customers are important and solving their issues can create more loyal fans on your Facebook Page. Our SEO team at Insurance Website Builder can help you optimize your insurance websites as well as your Facebook Page. Call us today at 1-800-383-3482 for more information.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

What Should I Put on my Homepage Content?

Many insurance agents ask me what kind of information should be added to their homepage. This is a pertinent question as a website's homepage is the most important page. It sets a tone for the type of agency you are, as well as providing relevant information, such as products and services offered. A good homepage provides just enough information to grab the attention of a prospect, without giving too much information which could be a turn off. Here are a few things to remember when composing your homepage content.

What is the Goal of your website?

Answering this question will help to narrow down what to add to your homepage content. Do you want to raise awareness about your agency? Do you want to increase your agency’s web visibility? Provide easy access to your agency’s products and services? Provide insurance information, tips and tricks? Whatever the answer is, customize your content, so you achieve those goals.

In no particular order, these should be available on the homepage of your website:

  • Types of products and services offered, including specialty or niche products
  • Agency’s unique selling point, how do you stand out from your competitors?
  • Easy access to quote forms
  • Agency values, perhaps a brief history
  • One or two testimonials
  • Other companies you work with
  • Geo-targets (cities, states) you service
On the whole, make sure that your homepage reflects your values as an insurance agent and puts your agency’s best foot forward. Incorporating all of the points above will result in naturally occurring keywords for SEO. Try not to write copy solely with SEO in my mind, which could have the effect of sounding contrived and spammy. Just have fun with it, and if it sounds interesting to you, then chances are, it'll sound interesting to a prospect too!

Insurance Website Builder provides content writing for insurance agents’ websites so give us call to create your perfect homepage, 1-800-383-3482.

Extreme Example from

Monday, February 6, 2012

White Hat SEO & Black Hat SEO

Search Engine Optimization can be divided into two categories: methods that search engines consider “best practices”, and practices that search engines frown upon. Search engines try to lessen the effects of black hat SEO. The search engine industry and the SEO community have classified these methods as white hat SEO and black hat SEO. White hat techniques typically produce long term results and black hat practitioners, in the back of their mind, know that their sites may be de-indexed from the search engines if they’re found out.

White Hat SEO
White hat methods follow the search engines’ guidelines and do not try to trick the internet visitor or the search engine. White hat is not only about following guidelines, it’s about making sure the search engine content matches what the user will see. White hat recommendations include creating content for users, not for the search engines, and then making the content easily accessible to the search engine spiders, rather than to try to deceive the search engines.

Black Hat SEO
Black hat SEO tries to improve rankings in ways that are not approved by the search engines. One black hat technique is to use text that is the same color as the background. Another technique is to take the user to a different page than the one that was requested, a technique called cloaking.

Search engines may penalize sites they find using black hat methods. Punishments include reducing their rankings or removing the website from their index. These penalties can be implemented automatically through search engines’ algorithms or manually by review.

Our SEO team at Insurance Website Builder only uses white hat methods that will ensure your insurance websites will remain indexed in the search engines and highly ranked.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

5 Practical Email Newsletter Tips for Better Deliverability and Readability

While content is king, creating an effective email newsletter is about more than just writing. To encourage your readers to open your emails, there are some technical best practices to consider that can help improve your results.

5 practical email newsletter tips for better deliverability and readability:
  1. Keep it short. An email newsletter shouldn't contain the full article, especially if you include multiple articles in your newsletter. You want your readers to be able to easily scan the newsletter for articles that interest them. Provide them with easily absorbed fragments of information in the form of headlines and short article introductory paragraphs that link to the full article on your website.
  2. Include a table of contents. A simple way to improve the scanability of your email newsletter is to place a table of contents at the top of the newsletter. The table of contents should include article titles and anchors linking to the articles' introductory paragraphs further down in the newsletter.
  3. Provide your newsletter in HTML and plain text versions. While HTML is the version you'd prefer everyone to see because it's more visually attractive, not everyone will be able to view it because of firewalls and filters. If you don't have a plain text version of your newsletter, those who can't view HTML won't be able to see your newsletter at all.
  4. Use a minimum of graphics. Emails with a large number of graphic images are often marked as spam and never reach the reader. Also, the majority of email clients turn off images by default so readers won't even see the graphics unless they turn them on. Keeping the pictures to a compelling few combined with your relevant content is best, as long as the email design isn't dependent on them.
  5. Test test test. Email clients are not created equal. What looks great in one doesn't always look great in another. Send tests of your email to the major email clients - Outlook, Yahoo, Gmail and Hotmail - to review your email in the various settings and prevent any blunders.
A well-designed template combined with relevant, informational content can have a great impact on the deliverability and readership levels of your email newsletters. To learn more email marketing tips and tricks read the AgencyBuzz blog.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

7 Tips of Effective Email Marketing Campaigns

It takes time to follow up on individual prospects and give your customers the personal attention they want. But time is a limited resource in a busy insurance agency.

Email marketing is one of the most effective ways to consistently communicate with many prospects and customers at one time. When done well, it develops more meaningful, longer-lasting relationships and open, two-way communication so customers can share their pain points and you can demonstrate your expertise. Email marketing also increases the likelihood of future purchases and gathers information that can be used for improving customer service and retention.

Here are 7 tips you can use to create high quality, effective emails that will positively impact your agency growth.
  1. Ask for emails. To drive subscription, you need to be asking for your customers’ email addresses at every touch point – on your website, over the phone, in your office, etc.
  2. Be consistent. Emailing your customers on a regular basis will keep your agency at the top of their minds. Be careful not to overload them with constant messages. A good rule of thumb is no more often than once every 2-3 weeks. Less than that and it might be difficult for them to remember you. More than that and they might be tempted to hit the spam or unsubscribe button.
  3. Relevant content. It doesn’t matter if they gave you their email address and you’re only sending messages every three weeks. If your subscribers don’t find your content interesting, they’re not going to read it. We recommend implementing a mix of insurance specific content with general interest articles, such as tips to reduce gas mileage while driving or to make easy home improvements.
  4. Be yourself. People do business with people they like. Your customers already like you so don’t change your writing style because it’s an email. Keep the same style and tone as if the customer was sitting across from you in your office.
  5. Segmentation. It’s easy to create a general newsletter that appeals to most customers. However, specific messages sent to specific groups can foster even deeper relationships and make more sales as segmented emails are more likely to be opened and acted upon. Producing different email messages for different groups may be more work, but it is worth the extra effort.
  6. Track your results. You’ll never know which email messages are successful and which ones aren’t unless you’re tracking your results. Before you start an email marketing program, determine what your objectives are. They can be as straightforward (an open rate for driving brand awareness) or as complicated (tracking conversions and ROI) as you want. Just make sure to check your results against your objectives to determine your success.
  7. Be CAN-SPAM compliant. CAN-SPAM is the law. Violating it can subject your agency to criminal penalties. You are required to include clear instructions for how subscribers can opt out of future email and unsubscribe readers promptly. Also, don’t steal email addresses and don’t be misleading.
Email is an incredibly cost-effective channel of communication for driving new sales and retaining current customers. Once you begin gathering emails, don’t wait to get started. Launch your insurance email marketing campaign as soon as possible.

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Friday, June 10, 2011

New Features for Insurance Website Builder

We've added new features to IWB.

Complete integration with our new product: AgencyBuzz

QR Codes on the employee directory for easy downloads of Contact Information

Blog Comments have been enabled and can be moderated

IWB now has a mobile version that includes the following features at no cost to the agent and is available on all plans. (If you don’t have a mobile device then you can still view a sample of it here:
  • Automatic Mobile Device Detection
  • Quote Forms
  • Manage My Policy Forms
  • Report a Claim Form (all forms are mobile friendly forms)
  • Line of Business Pages
  • About Us Page
  • Locations
  • Click to Map (using the built in mapping app of the device)
  • Employees
  • Click to Call
  • Click to E-mail
  • Click to Download vCard (not supported by iPhone)
  • Contact Us Page
  • Blog
  • FAQs
  • Important Links
  • Important Files
  • View Full Site
  • Privacy Policy
  • Integration with Submission Manager and AgencyBuzz
  • Mobile Sitemap (the same as the Google Sitemap but designed for mobile)
  • A VERY good looking interface

We hope you enjoy all your new features!

Contact us at 1-800-383-3482 for more information about these exciting new features.

Friday, December 17, 2010

How to Choose a Domain Name

Choosing a domain name is an important part of Search Engine Optimization. Not as important as having an optimized title, description and homepage content, but important nonetheless. An optimized domain name will help the search engines to find your website easier and therefore rank it higher. Here are some things to consider when choosing a domain name:
  • The domain must include at least one keyword, e.g. insurance, coverage, quote, geo-target
  • It should not be too long or hard to spell
  • It must be brand-worthy. Does it roll off the tongue, is it easy to remember, can you tell your friends about it without having to repeat yourself or spell it out for them?
  • Don't forget that using an older domain is more advantageous than buying a keyword-optimized new domain. Search engines like older domains.
  • If you decide to go with your agency name as a domain, then you can still use keywords by customizing the web address.
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Wednesday, December 8, 2010

To Blog or Not to Blog

A blog, originally called a "web log", is a chronological online journal.  In a business setting, blogs are best used to provide valuable information to consumers on subjects relevant to the product being offered.  For instance, an auto insurance agent could use a blog to offer safety tips to drivers, what to do in the event of an accident, and so on.

By providing information that is directly relevant to your agency's services and products, you are providing keywords to search engines that potential customers search for when shopping for your services.  In addition, keeping fresh content on your website is one of the most effective ways to increase your page ranking with search engines.

How to Start a Blog
Blogs are another way to brand your agency.  Therefore, to receive the most benefit from a blog, it should be integrated within your website.  The blog should have the same domain name and the same look and feel as your current website.

There are several blog products available.  There are very elaborate blog software packages available, however, initially you may want to sign up for a free blog through a service such as Word Press or Google. While your abilities will be limited with a free blog service, they are a cost-effective way to get your feet wet.

Our Gold plan members that subscribe to our Insurance Website Builder package enjoy built-in blogging capabilities with enhanced features on their websites. 

What to Blog About?
The subjects available to an insurance agent are endless.  Take a moment and think about all of the questions you are asked on a daily basis.
  • Is anyone covered to drive my vehicle?
  • Do I have a grace period?
  • What can I do to lower my premium?
  • Replacement Cost vs Actual Cash Value
  • Does Homeowner's Insurance Cover Flood?
You are answering these questions consistently.  Now all that is required is to sit down and write out those answers.

Advertise Your Blog
Let people know you have a blog.  Tell your customers, your companies, casual contacts, etc.  Advertising your blog can be as easy as including a link in your email signature, a note in letters sent to customers, or mentioning it in your on-hold message.  Also, using social media venues, such as Facebook and Twitter, to advertise your blog and blog posts is a very effective way to increase traffic to your website.

Initially creating a blog can appear to be an overwhelming and time consuming task, but it doesn't have to be.  Share the responsibility among your staff.  What better way is there to learn then to have to prepare to teach?  Assign each staff member a topic and give them time to research the topic.  There will be staff that are reluctant because they lack confidence in their writing abilities.  Writing is perfected with practice and blogging is the perfect opportunity to practice those skills.

Having an blog for your agency offers a list of benefits - increases your website traffic, develops loyalty and trust with customers and prospects, and expands your knowledge as you and your staff research topics.  The time you invest on your blog will offer great returns.

Additional Resources:

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Customizable Page URLs for IWB customers

Introducing customizable page URLs for Extra pages especially for Insurance Website Builder customers. Now when you create an Extra page on your website you can add a descriptive web address, which is very advantageous for SEO. Here are the highlights:
  1. This feature is only available for Extra pages
  2. There are two fields to fill out, you must enter both fields in order for your page to be viewable.
  3. You can enter your own words or choose the first field from a drop down menu.
  4. You can use the handy View on Site Live link to view live web page, located beside the two fields.
  5. You are only allowed certain characters in the fields: A-Z, a-z, 0-9, hyphens and underscores
  6. The maximum number of characters per field is 50.
  7. The extension ".aspx" is automatically added to the page

Here's what you need to remember to optimize for the search engines: 
  1. Use insurance related keywords and geo-targets in the customized web addresses.
  2. Make sure to separate keywords by either hyphens or underscores. This will make it easier for the search engines to read.   
  3. Make sure you don't duplicate keywords. For example, this is not acceptable,
  4. Don't go crazy on the number of keywords you can add, there should be a maximum of two words per field.
  5. Make sure the web address makes sense to a visitor, that the two fields are somehow connected. For example
  6. Be careful not to duplicate existing pages URLs.
Additional Resources

Friday, October 15, 2010

Link Your Facebook to Your Twitter

Social Networking is one of the best, and now easiest ways to reach potential clients and customers directly. Follow these easy step-by-step instructions on how to link your Facebook Page to your Twitter Feed so you can share everything you publish with everyone you know.
  1. Go to
  2. Login, then select the button reading "Link a Page to Twitter"
  3. Your available pages should be listed with a button to the right that reads "Link to Twitter"
  4. Select the button corresponding to the page you wish to link
  5. You will be redirected to a Twitter page asking for your Twitter Username & Password
  6. Enter your login information and select the button that reads "Allow"
  7. You will be redirected back to Facebook and a list of Settings to Edit will be visible
  8. You can choose to share any or all of the choices that include Status Updates, Photos, Video, Links, Notes, and Events.
  9. Feel free to leave all the selections chosen
  10. Select "Save Changes" and you are now connected!
You are now more connected to social networking and will easily generate twice as many postings.

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