Showing posts with label insurance websites. Show all posts
Showing posts with label insurance websites. Show all posts

Monday, March 18, 2013

5 Myths of Digital Insurance Marketing

For some insurance agents, online marketing is a mythical concept. It's hard to understand and some see it as a waste of time. However, it is not just a passing fad. The Internet has changed not only how consumers purchase goods and services, it has changed how businesses reach those consumers.
Here are five of the biggest online marketing myths we hear from time to time.

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Monday, March 11, 2013

How Your Insurance Website is Losing Money on Google

Or more accurately, how to lose money by not being on Google. It's simple to lose money by not ranking in Google's search results... don't invest in SEO.
When you have a few minutes, conduct an experiment. Go to Google (make sure you're not logged in if you have a Google account), and search for one of your top keywords. If you don't have a keyword, use the line of business you are promoting right now with your city or geographic region if your agency is in a small town. Some examples: "Carrollton home insurance" or "Fort Worth auto insurance." Is your agency on the first page of results? If it's not, you could be losing money.

SEO services can take up a lot of your marketing budget. To determine if investing in SEO makes sense for your agency, you first need to calculate your potential return on investment.

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Monday, February 11, 2013

4 Areas to Audit on Your Insurance Website

Your website is your agency online. For some visitors it will be their first impression of your agency. For others it will be their only impression. If your website doesn't function the way it should, that first impression could be one you wish you could do over. A regular audit of your website will help you identify what areas need to be updated as well as what areas may no longer be functioning the way it should.
Here are the four areas you should review on an annual (or as often as quarterly if you can) basis to make sure your website is updated and working for you the way it should.

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Tuesday, February 5, 2013

What is Keyword Research?

Articles on search engine optimization often talk about keyword research (or keyword analysis). But what exactly is it?
Keyword research is the process of identifying which keywords or keyword phrases people are likely to use on Google and other search engines when searching insurance.

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Wednesday, December 19, 2012

5 Website Mistakes to Avoid

If you're thinking about updating your current insurance website, or getting your first website, in the new year, there are some mistakes you definitely want to avoid.

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Monday, December 3, 2012

How to Write a Great Blog Post

Last week I talked about finding the time to blog. Now that you've found the time, let's continue talking about blogging with how to write a great blog post.

The first step is to decide what to write about. This is an easy step if you follow my suggestion from last week to keep a list of possible topics to blog about. Determining the subject of your next blog post can easily take up much of the time you allow yourself to write. Save yourself that time so that it can be spent actually writing. Here are some quick ideas on where to look for content for your blog:

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Tuesday, November 27, 2012

How to Find Time to Blog

We hear it all the time: I'm too busy to blog. If you're serious about your digital agency marketing and competing online, how can you not find the time to blog?

Blogging has so many great benefits for your website and your agency. It helps with SEO, brands you as an insurance expert and gives readers a look inside what makes your agency special and different from your competition.

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Monday, November 19, 2012

Getting Photos for your Website

 The title says it all. I tried to think of something catchy for this entry, but alas, it is what it is. No matter how straightforward the title is, the subject is a bit more complex. If images are obtained improperly, you could be facing hefty legal fees.

For example, a few of our customers have gone to Google Images, searched for an image they liked, saved it to their computer, and then added it to a blog entry. A few months later, each of them received a letter from a law firm demanding thousands in fees for the unauthorized image. Unfortunately, there are little options for these users. You can fight it in court, or pay the fee. The image providers know that the latter is usually cheaper.

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Thursday, May 24, 2012

Masters of Marketing: Website Content

Here's another presentation in  our Masters of Marketing webinar. This presentation discusses content on your website, how to do it, when to do it and why you should add content. If you would like to join us every Thursday at 12:00 p.m. Central when we discuss marketing tips, you can register here.